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Cleveland Piece-Rate Pay Lawyers

Piece-rate pay, popularly referred to as piece work, is a system where employers pay their workers for each item of work completed rather than paying at a fixed annual salary or hourly rate. There are various industries where this type of pay system is prevalent, and this can, unfortunately, lead to significant minimum wage violations. At Scott & Winters Law Firm, LLC, we are here to help if you need a Cleveland piece-rate pay violation attorney by your side. Let us investigate your situation and help you recover the compensation you are entitled to.

Why Choose Scott & Winters for a Piece-Rate Pay Claim

  • At Scott & Winters Law Firm, LLC, we counsel employees about their rights when it comes to piece-rate pay systems in Ohio and throughout the U.S.
  • Our attorneys have recovered millions of dollars in compensation on behalf of individuals who have not received fair pay from their employers.
  • We will file your claim in a timely manner to ensure that your case is started before the statute of limitations expires.

What Is Piece-Rate Pay in Cleveland?

Many employees are paid at an hourly rate, making overtime pay calculations straightforward. However, piece-rate work is not uncommon in many industries, including in cable installation and at call centers, among others.

It is important first of all to note that just because you are paid a piece rate does not mean your employer does not have to pay overtime or that you are otherwise non-exempt. Additionally, if you are paid at a piece rate and receive less than minimum wage, this is likely a serious violation of Labor laws in Ohio and at the federal level.

If you are a call center employee or cable installer paid a piece rate, your employer may also consider you as an independent contractor and not owed overtime. If you are paid a piece rate and not getting overtime pay, Scott & Winters Law Firm is available for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your unpaid overtime.

Can You Recover Lost Compensation?

You deserve to receive fair pay regardless of how your compensation is structured with your employer. Under no circumstances should an employer use piece-rate pay in an attempt to get out of paying fair wages, whether that is minimum wages or overtime pay.

At Scott & Winters Law Firm, we want to make sure that you recover any unpaid wages you may be entitled to. This means that we will investigate your pay structure, analyze your pay stubs, and dig into your employer’s pay practices. We want to make sure you recover unpaid wages, interest on those unpaid wages, and your court costs and legal fees.

Call a Piece-Rate Pay Lawyer in Cleveland Today

If you work in an industry that pays you through a piece-rate system, you need to be sure that you are compensated fairly and properly. At Scott & Winters Law Firm, our attorneys are dedicated to investigating any allegations of unfair wage practices in Ohio. We have the experience necessary to investigate piece-rate pay systems and ensure that you recover any unpaid wages you are entitled to. When you need a Cleveland piece-rate pay attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation, and we are always available when you call (216) 912-2221.